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Rodilleras Dainese V E1

Protecciones compuestas certificadas CE-Cat. II-EN 1621.1. Protegen la zona de la rodilla y la espinilla. Disponen de placas de polipropileno [ver más]

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Precio orignal: € 85,95

Precio: € 60,17


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Protecciones compuestas certificadas CE-Cat. II-EN 1621.1. Protegen la zona de la rodilla y la espinilla. Disponen de placas de polipropileno perforadas, parcialmente superpuestas. Estructura interior de doble capa confeccionada en poliamida, elastán y poliuretano. Cintas elásticas con velcro para un ajuste perfecto.

- Sandwich interior de poliamida elastán y Poliuretano

- Protector autónomo de la rodilla con correas de soporte

- Protectores compuestos certificados según la norma EN 1621.1: Las protecciones compuestas presentes en los hombros, los codos y las rodillas, certificadas según la norma EN 1621.1/97, ofrecen un alto estándar de protección gracias a su estructura especial. Un casco exterior rígido de material plástico distribuye sobre todo el protector las energías que el choque produce en la zona del impacto, mediante una estructura reticular patentada que permite absorber y distribuir el choque sobre una superficie amplia, con un espesor y un peso inferiores. El interior de la protección, realizado en polietileno expanso de densidad muy alta, se caracteriza por una gran deformabilidad y memoria. De hecho, adaptándose a la Forma del cuerpo mejora el confort. Además, la estructura externa calada facilita la transpiración.

- Revestimiento interior de tejido de doble fontura

- Placas caladas.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto DA1876066-001
ID 1686


Good knee guard.Valorado por
Offer as much (CE-level approved) protection.The weight (light!) and fit will make you forget wearing them. However, the straps are perfectly placed and the knee pads fit much better than Leatt's and IXS's top models, cost half the money. (Escrito el 25/3/2015)
Light weight Knee GuardsValorado por
These are some good light weight knee guards. Possibly a bit overpriced at retail, but easily hidden under jeans. I was able to wear them daily without too much of a hassle. I was happy with my purchase and would buy them again. (Escrito el 22/11/2015)
Ottimo prodottoValorado por
Sono fantastici da mettere sopra ai jeans, sembra quasi di non averli, lo consiglio a tutti soprattutto per la loro praticità, ottimi materiali e ottima imbottitura, li uso ormai da più di un anno e gli elastici reggono ancora come nuovi (Escrito el 10/10/2017)
Dainese Knee V E1Valorado por
prese per indossarle sotto i pantaloni in cordura, togliendo ovviamente le ginocchiere del pantalone, che risultavano poco protettive. Hanno un'ottima vestibilità, rimangono sempre in posizione, grazie ai tre punti di fissaggio. (Escrito el 22/10/2018)
Very nice brand new products Valorado por
The products are delivered very fata and products are also so nice and it comes with a lower price than other sites with accesories. I am so glad to buy from here my knee pads that was at half price of other sites that was more expensive. The product arrived in 4 days and it was great. (Escrito el 14/11/2019)
Best ever Valorado por
Best Ever knee protection. Very comfortable and easy to put on. You can use inside or out side of your jeans. Amazing value and slim efficient design not like other brands usually ‏Bulky. Highly recommended. (Escrito el 21/1/2020)
Ginocchiere daineseValorado por
Perfette e le consiglio. . . Ne comprerò altre per gli amici. Le utilizzo sopra i jeans da vita quotidiana per avere comunque una maggior sicurezza in strada. Sono poco ingombranti e facili da togliere e mettere (Escrito el 06/6/2020)
super niceValorado por
I have ordered and returned quite a bunch of knee guards before I finally stopped on these. My main requirements were knee+shin protection and guards should not scratch the frame and plastic on my motorcycle. These are finally my choice. They are lightweight, comfy (straps do not hurt when riding long). I removed knee pads from my dainese jeans and I only ride with these knee guards so when I fall I have max protection. (Escrito el 01/2/2021)
AwesomeValorado por
Great knee protection. With these you can use them under your jeans. Very confortable and light weeight! They offer great protection. this is really good product and I recomend it. Not bulky. Thank you so much. (Escrito el 12/4/2021)
great productValorado por
Great product! High quality, you can wear it over regular jeans and you get safe feeling. The strap are not complicate. Usually I am using 2 out of three straps and cushioning are well. Thank you Dainese! (Escrito el 07/10/2021)
good productValorado por
Compact and low weight. It can change your jeans to riders wears. You can move your feet or legs freely when wearing this. Low prcies perfect protector. I think i wll buy this for my girlfriend next time. Thank you Dainese! (Escrito el 25/9/2022)
very good!Valorado por
I have ordered and returned quite a bunch of knee guards before I finally stopped on these. My main requirements were knee+shin protection and guards should not scratch the frame and plastic on my motorcycle. These are finally my choice. They are lightweight, comfy (straps do not hurt when riding long). I removed knee pads from my dainese jeans and I only ride with these knee guards so when I fall I have max protection. (Escrito el 02/2/2023)

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