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Cnc Oil Tank Brake / Clutch 12ml Monochrome Black

Brake-clutch fluid reservoir 12 ml MONOCHROME three spouts PRAMAC RACING Limited Edition Tanks brake fluid / clutch machined from one-piece [ver más]

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Precio orignal: € 119,56

Precio: € 107,60


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Brake-clutch fluid reservoir 12 ml MONOCHROME three spouts Pramac RACING Limited Edition Tanks brake fluid / clutch machined from one-piece with subsequent surface anodized CNC machines, as well as giving a wide range of colors, ensures quality and durability. Made in various sizes and with various outputs for the piping, allow the adaptation on various models of motorcycle. The different available colors give life to a product that originally was founded in plastic and is transformed into a strong, sporty product. The kit includes all the outputs and to mount attacks without any modification.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto SE700BPR
ID 11756


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